Sunday, August 7, 2011

Home is everywhere!

My job takes me around the world. It's not always easy. My relationship with my job is like any normal relationship, it's a hot and cold kind of thing. And like any long term relationship, though there are those not so good days, there are so many wonderful, happy memories that I've had with my job, I really do not see myself in any other industry right now.

The most remarkable I guess, from the whole experience I've had with my job is that I have become more independent. I have learned to appreciate time with myself-- being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely.

I don't feel awkward having a meal at a restaurant on my own, have learned to take subways and buses in foreign countries-- some of which don't even have English directions. I have enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life, and have enjoyed the company of people, whose country I only hear of when I watch Ms. Universe! :) I meet hundreds of strangers every single day, and have realized that strangers aren't strange after all. They can be the kindest people, even if you don't share the same language. I have realized that yes, the world can be mean sometimes, but there's enough goodness. You just have to be more open. I also have learned that it's possible to feel 'home' everywhere.

I just came back from a week long trip. My body's drained, having endured massive timezone changes! However, I'm really thankful for yet another opportunity. I was able to visit my high school classmates/friends who are now permanently based in Australia. After a week of stuffing myself with oily food, I was able to have a home cooked meal at Kris and Sheila's place. Love to Shei's mom who took me back to Zambales with her cooking :) It really felt like home. They even packed my dinner! I requested for dried fish and boiled vegetables and got so much more! We had danggit, pinakbet, fried fish, fried eggplant, bagoong, lots of rice and my favorite salted egg. It was so yummy!

So cute to see my high school friends enjoy being first time parents.

And so inspiring to see that their love brought the super adorable and doll-like Kaley.

Yes, I'm always on the go, always on the move. Thanks God, I have a choice! I can either wallow on the fact that my real home has a flight distance of 4,000 plus miles, or I can help myself by trying to find 'home' everywhere I go. Naman, being human, I sometimes wallow.
But most days, I try to help myself and make it more simple. Home can be a lovely set of pillows and a comfortable bed in my hotel room,

It can be as simple as a cup of Milo on a cold rainy weather or a soft poached egg, sandwiched between toasted multigrain loaves (after a 14 hour flight, this almost defined happiness! Ang babaw! Haha! :)

It can be watching my favorite tv show or reading my Yes magazines when I prefer to stay in.

It can be having McDonald's fries, coke and a Mcflurry, too when I wanna be bad! It can be having a carbo overload of pasta in the middle of the night when I can't sleep and definitely, it can be having a home cooked meal with people you grew up with (this is really comforting, I don't think it's even necessary to describe).

Indeed, home is everywhere! With determination, luck, and a little bit of help from your friends, it is achievable. So if you're somewhere in between, or is not exactly at home right now, I wish you luck in finding and creating your 'home'.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. "I meet hundreds of strangers every single day, and have realized that strangers aren't strange after all. They can be the kindest people, even if you don't share the same language. I have realized that yes, the world can be mean sometimes, but there's enough goodness. You just have to be more open. " -- I love this very much. :) I just quoted you in my journal!

  2. Awww, thanks Aix! :) I have been reading your journal, you write so well!:) besos to ozzy!
