Friday, March 2, 2012

Delaying Tactics

I'm definitely not bored. In fact I have so many things to do, just the thought of it makes me so tired! I have placed my reading materials next to my bed, hoping i'll somehow find the energy to start. Fail!
I rarely have pimples acting up, but because these past few days I have been so busy, the pimple decided to pay me a visit right where you won't miss it-- center of my forehead it is! My pimple has joined the trend, #unicornswag! So cute! I'm giving it a good fight, so today, I have awarded myself with a timeout.
My mind's in a domestic state right now and I'm looking for pegs for our home. I have settled with cottage style/shabby chic and surprisingly, Paolo, my war movies/history buff husband agreed to it! I have found the perfect bed and we took pains in making sure that during its shipment, it will stay beautiful. I hope!

We also got set of drawers and bedside tables to go with the bed. I can't wait to put them all together. I just need to change the handles as I find the ones provided very plain.

It was crazy how we reinforced the boxes of these furnitures and I'm really hoping that they make it home okay.
I don't have plans of renovating the kitchen with fitted cabinets just yet because that's going to cost a lot, so I looked for ways to make the kitchen functional without spending so much and I think this idea should work or now.

This will be my project when I get to Manila, to find a table similar to this.

We shall refurbish Paolo's grandparents' chairs so that they will look something like this.

They're quite bulky so 2 will join the rest of the dining chairs I am hoping i'll find, and the other 2 will be in the attic.
We don't have babies yet but I have 2 nieces now and we're setting up a kid's room. It will have these cute lights.

Paolo's a big fan of air carriers and we found a vintage looking aircraft which we shall hang in the other room. These stuff will find their way in our home as well :)

What a project this is for us! I'm sure it will take a while and a lot before everything's really put together. I'm so enjoying every minute of it! Stressful? Yes. Fun? H*ll yeah! (Are we) Excited? Even my pimples are!!

~most pictures were taken from various Internet sites~

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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